I want to join the Parkland College Women of Impact!

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Parkland Women of Impact Commitment:

My company would like to sponsor the event.

I would like to purchase individual Women of Impact event tickets.

(Ticket price: $100 each)

Ticket Subtotal: $100

Names and emails can also be sent to lbrandt@parkland.edu
Gifts of $500 or more are recognized as President's Circle.

Ticket Amount (Qty. 0):
Donation Amount:
Gift Amount:
Sponsorship Amount:

Total Amount:

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Pay now and you will be directed to our secure financial processing service. If making a gift by check, please mail to the Parkland College Foundation: 2400 West Bradley Avenue, U340, Champaign IL 61821.

Confirmation of your ticket numbers will be sent upon acceptance of your order form and payment. Questions? Contact Lesa Brandt at lbrandt@parkland.edu or (217) 351-2458 or visit www.parkland.edu/womenofimpact